SLC temple at Christmas

SLC temple at Christmas
The Nativity and the Temple- what a great connection

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Fourtheenth Day Christmas Celebration

It is the first of Dec. and so I decided to have celebrate by having my first Christmas party of the season.  So some of my students from WSU came down and we walked around temple square to see the lights and then we went back to my apartment's social room to sit by the fire and have some treats and games.  It was so fun.  We started out in the North Visitors Center.  They had a musical group performing.  In fact they seem to have musical things performing all around temple square at all times.  We listened for a few minutes.  Then I told a few of the girls that they should just get up there on the risers and start singing.  Just say the phrase from ELF about "the best way to spread Christmas cheer is by singing lound for all to hear", then they should just start singing We Wish You A Merry Christmas.  I even uped the anti and told them I would pay them $5.  They toyed with the idea and after I teased them for a minute or two they threw it back at me and told me to go and do it instead.  Well, I got them, I walked right up there and started singing.  Sang the whole song as they all took pictures of this crazy woman.  It was so funny and guess what, they coughed up $5 for me.  I loved it.  Too bad I don't have one of those pictures to post.

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