SLC temple at Christmas

SLC temple at Christmas
The Nativity and the Temple- what a great connection

Friday, December 31, 2010

The 44th Day Christmas Celebration

It is New Years Eve and I can't beleive another year is gone and that my 50 Days of Christmas Celebration are winding down.  I have had so much fun with my family.  Today I went to see my new little nephew.  He is so cute.  I call him Jack, my Daddy calls him Tax, and my sister, whose baby it is, calls him Levi.  His sisters and brother call him Bob or Little Zach.  So this cute new little one has many names but one thing is for sure.  We are glad that he is here and that all are healthy. 

Took a walk with my Daddy today.  I love just having the chance to stop by my parents house and visit with them anytime I want.  I missed that for years living in AZ so I am cherishing it now. 

Tonight I am going out with Janet, my sister, and Janet, our friend.  Eating and dancing is what we have planned.  To tell the truth I am not really wanting to go out, but it is the thing to do.  It is snowing today.  I can't explain how much I love the snow.  It makes everything look magical. 

The one thing that makes me sad about this holiday is that so many people take all the Christmas stuff down right afterwards and I hate to see it go.  Already in the stores there are things for valentine's day.  Let's not rush it.  Let's let the Spirit of Christmas linger. 

I was reading Jesus the Christ today and just marveling at God's plan and at His Son.  Aren't we blessed to have a knowledge of these things and to feel of thier love.  I hope people feel it.  I hope people seek it.  It is there, all around us.  So I am wishing everyone I love and very blessed year.  May you make it your best year yet.  It is in your power to do so.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The 43rd Day Christmas Celebration

All the little princesses woke up early this morning.  We did each other's make up and laughed together.  Breakfast was at McDonalds and we all bundled up and treked out through the cold and the snow to walk to McDonalds and then over to the temple where we talked about how we can become real queens and go to a real kingdom, the Celestial Kingdom.  Then we all got pictures of the temple and roses to take home.  I hope these little girls will remember who they really are in God's sight and who they can become and that they can have a happily ever after. 

I then spent the day watching the snow fall and reading good books.  I think I am now going to go and get started on making a treat for today.  Hope everyone is staying warm and cozy.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The 42nd Day Christmas Celebration

I decided to have a Princess Party today with 6 of my nieces.  Annie, Booboo, Lulu, Pumpkin, Nelly, and Scarlett all came to my house for a party and sleep over.  We all wore tiaras and beads.  We went to the store and bought treats, swam at the pool, painted our nails and put sparkles on them, watched movies, ate junk food, had mac and cheese for dinner and just played together the whole night.  It snowed and I enjoyed that.  We watched Cinderella and Enchanted.  Both were great.  I sat there on the floor surrounded by these beautiful girls and I am just so glad that they would let me be a part of their lives.  I love them so much. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The 41st Day Christmas Celebration

It has been tradition for some time that I go skiing with my nieces and nephews during the holidays.  I love this time together with them and I am glad they think I am still somewhat cool enough to hang out with.  Although the day was busy, it was great to be with them.  I think the world of my nieces and nephews and I love being with them.  I am glad they let me be a part of thier lives.  So after two days of skiing I am sore and I am going to go get some hot chocolate from starbucks and soak in a hot tub.  What a way to celebrate. 

I will surely post some pictures.

Monday, December 27, 2010

The 40th day Christmas Celebration

Today I took my nieces Booboo, Lulu, and Pumpkin skiing.  It was so much fun.  They are still learning but did a great job and we had a blast.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The 39th Day Christmas Celebration

This morning I woke up and had the beautiful chance to hear music and the spoken word.  It is such a beautiful way to start a Sunday.  The Christmas decor is still up and they still did a Christmas message with Christmas music.  They also had the bells on Temple Square there joining the orchestra.  Church was a wonderful experience as well.  The speaker did a good job and I remembered reading something in the New Era that morning that stirred some thoughts about Christmas. 

The Christmas story is a story of deleverance.  It is story about how the birth of Christ provides deliverance for us in many ways.  Because Christ was born we are delivered from sin and death.  But there is more.  The story of Christ's birth also tells us about ways in which others were, in all reality, delivered from other things.  Mary was delivered from her pain.  The Nephites in America who believed in the signs spoken of by the prophets were delivered from danger and being put to death.  The shepherds were delivered from fear and many more examples are also contained there in.  It made me think of how many things the Savior has delivered me from.  I don't think I thank the Lord for that enough, for deliverance.  But I am thankful that because of the birth of Jesus Christ we can and are delivered in so many ways.  I love my Savior.

So my celebration continues.  I made raspberry ribbon dessert and also pumpkin pie, which was pretty tasty if I do say so myself.  Hope your Christmas celebration is continuing as well.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The 38th Day Christmas Celebration

Let me just start by saying that it is nice to spend some time in my home little home on Christmas.  I have loved always the fact that my parents are so welcoming but I also like being in my little home I created and enjoying the spirit that is there.  This is the first time in years that I have been in my home for Christmas and I liked it. 

Yesterday, Christmas Eve, I loved finishing gifts and wrapping them and baking and enjoying beautiful music.  In fact there is a Catholic Church just down the street from me and right around midnight as Christmas was approaching, their bells sounded and it was beautiful.  I loved hearing them.  Of course having my windows open sure helped captrue that sound.  It was a beautiful way to usher in the Christmas holiday. 

Today I read a bit from Jesus the Christ and from my scriptures.  I also visited family, spoke to friends, and of course baked.  I baked a wonderful orange bread pudding and some raspberry crapes.  I took them to my parents house for Christmas dessert. 

The star cookies that I made the other day were so good that I wanted to share the recipe.  it is so simple.  You just have to locate the chocolate stars at the grocery store first.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Mix with a spoon
1 cup soften butter
1 cup powdered sugar
1 1/4 cup flour
1 cup of quick oats
1 teasp. almond extract.
roll into small balls (smaller than an inch)
place a chocolate star on top and bake for about 6 min. 
You don't really want them to get brown on the edges or they are too done.  YOu want them to stay soft and since there is no egg in them, you can cook them for only 6 or 7 minutes to just set them up and they are good to go.  So wonderful.

I received a number of very thoughtful gifts from my family members and friends.  I so love them and i hope they know how much I appreciate them.  My sister in law, Shay made me this beautiful ornament and two fabulously stiched stockings.  (I love that she gave me too, showing the faith that one day I will find my other half).  They even sent candy for me to fill the stockings with.  My sister Cheri gave this tasty box of goodies beautifully wrapped.  In it she had placed these scrumptous red velvet cupcakes and hand made peppermint patties.  They were great.  I will need to put a picture of these things on my blog here so you can see them. 

I have not as yet opened all of my gifts.  For me Christmas isn't about the gifts, but people are so thoughtful that I have been the blessed reciepient of some and so I choose to open them only occassionaly to help the season last longer.  I love what Scrooge is know to have said after his great metamorphisis, "I WILL HONOR CHRISTMAS IN MY HEART AND TRY TO KEEP IT ALL YEAR."  That is what I would like to do as well.

So thank you to all who have helped make my Christmas a wonderfully "full of love and joy" time of year.

PS.  I still have a few more days left in my Christmas celebration.  So don't go away.

Friday, December 24, 2010

The 37th Day Christmas Celebration

"Giving, not getting, brings to full bloom the Christmas Spirit.  Enemies are forgiven, friends remembered , and God obeyed."  Pres. Thomas S. Monson

Instead of asking people what they got for Christmas, maybe we should ask people what they GAVE for Christmas. 

"The Son of God, He who was the great Jehovah and condecended to be born in Bethlehem's manger; he who went about doing good, blessing and healing the people; he who gave his life on Calvary's cross in the great atoning sacrifice; he who rose from the dead the third day. He lives and sits on the right hand of His Father.  He is our Lord, our Redeemer, our guide, our helper, and our friend, through whose Atonement there has been opened the gate of immortality and eternal life.  This is a beautiful and blessed season.  Let us rejoice in the Lord Jesus Christ and in His most basic of teachings--to do good always."  Gordon B. Hinckley, Ensign, Dec. 1994, 5

I know this to be true.  Through the Atonement and life of my Savior Jesus Christ I am able to do all things that Heavenly Father asks of me.  I know that Jesus Christ really is the Son of God.  I love Him and I am thankful that Heavenly Father in His goodness and love gave His Son to us and sent Him to earth.  I would invite all of us to ponder on our thoughts of Them and then take opportunities to share those thoughts and feelings with those around us. 

I am going to make some chocolate star cookies today.  They are so simple if you can find a place to buy the chocolate stars,  I will have to put the recipe on here for all to try.  Merry Christmas.  My goal is to say it to as many people as I can today.  So Merry Christmas to you!!

BTW- lots of people feel disappointment after tomorrow comes because to them the celebration is over.  However, mine is not.  I am not going to let it end.  I am going to continue celebrating, at least officially for a number more days.  Then I am going to continue trying to celebrate all year long.  The season is not over.  It is just in full swing.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The 36th day Christmas Celebration

I spent the morning delivering goodies to friends and I hope they liked them.  I actually got up and ate one of those caramel brownies I baked the night before.  Merry Christmas to me.  What a way to wake up. 

I was invited to a Christmas party and there was lots to eat and good freinds.  I love the cheese that people celebrate with at the holidays.  A good cheese ball is always called for.  My sister Mariann and my Brother Brett and I love a good smoked sausage and cheese box that you can get at places like Hickory Farms.  They are so festive and fun.  Last year when I was still in AZ, I received one of those types of gifts from my brother and his family and it lasted me all through to New Years Day.  So the party was very fun and I enjoyed it.  It was just to short and people are always a little more rushed about this time so it didn't last long and was not the easy going time I had hoped.

My sister Cheri and her family were going to see the movie "Tangled" and they invited me along.  It was a good movie.  I would recommend it to others who haven't seen it yet.  Being with my family is one of my favorite things to do. EVER!

I also went to dinner with my Mom and Daddy.  They are such good people.  We just ate and talked and saw some people from their ward.  I think it is important to value and take advantage of the time we have with our loved ones.  

My treat for today was this Christmas pudding.  It has cinnamon and spices in it.  I need to learn that I need to just cut the recipes in half.  Because I make these great recipes and then proceed to taste them.  When they are really good and also large in quantity I then proceed to eat mroe than I should.  What a dilemma.  Just cut the reipes in half Shauna.  Come on and learn already. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The 35th day CHristmas Celebration

Today I was in the baking mood and really decided to go for it.  I made creamy caramel brownies.  They were so smooth and yummy.  Then I made my "To Die for Chocolate Cookies".  They are my own creation and I love them.  I still need to tweek them a bit but they are a chocolate base cookie and they have white chocolate morsels, dark chocolate chunks, semi sweet chips, and milk chocolate chips in them.  So So good. 

My house was smelling all lovely and festive.  I had some friends over in the evening just to chit chat (BTW- I had that word.  "chit" - I mean what the devil is "chit". You never just hear people use the word chit.  Anyway- )  and catch up.  I was finishing some cranberry orange bread when they came over so we kind of finished it up together and stuck it in the oven and sat down to talk.  I started to smell something that was burning.  I looked in the oven and the cranberrry orange bread had oozed over the sides and was burning on the bottom of the oven.  That never happened before. 

It was so smokey and made the bread look off color and taste a bit like smoke.  It was kind of a disappointment.  The other disappointment came when the beautiful smell I had created in my home had been replaced with the smokey smell from the oven.  All that hard work burnt away in mere minutes.  

Oh well.  It was kind of funny.  After my friends left I went to the store and bought more ingredients so I could make more cranberry orange bread.  It turned out really good.  I needed it to be done tonight because I want to pass it out tomorrow.  Oh what fun!

Hope yoru days of baking and sharing goodies are going well. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The 34th day Christmas celebration

It snowed through the night and into this morning.   It is a good thing it did too because today is the first day of winter.  We can't have that without snow, if you ask me.  I got up and went walking again with my Daddy and do you know where I found him when I pulled up to his house early this morning?  Out shoveling other people's drive way and side walks.  For those of you who know my Dad, that probably doesn't surprise you at all.  I just silently said a little prayer that some day when my Daddy needs that done for him, that someone will be there.  My Mom and Dad are always doing things like that.  Always thinking of others.  What great parents I have.

Working on Christmas gifts is a favorite thing for me to do.  I like being able to make things for the people I love.  I always find that it means more.  I hope my parents like what I am making for them.  They really are amazing people and I don't think they even know how many people's lives they touch.  I think that makes them even more special.

I made this dessert today that was really whipped creamy.  I lvoe whipped cream.  I always get extra on my hot chocolate.  So this dessert was perfect for me.  I don't think there is such a thing as too much whippen cream. 

Monday, December 20, 2010

The 33rd Day Christmas Celebration

This morning it was raining.  There is still not enough snow according to me.  But I will take the snow and the rain over the sun and warm anyday and especially this time of year.  I got up early on my first day off from work and went walking around the mall with my Daddy.  We would do this all the time when I would come up here to visit from AZ.  It is particularlly nice to know that I can do it now more often then I could then.  It is nice to have my Daddy all to myself and just talk with him.  That is the best.  So we walked around the mall and listened to the Christmas music and discussed all kinds of things.  We also looked for these hidious Christmas decorations that Fashion Place Mall used to put up every year.  They were these horrific plant looking reindeer.  They were actually scary!  Every year those horrid looking decorations would make there appearance and my Daddy and I would laugh at how awful they were.  But thankfully this year, they are not there.  It is funny to see what some people think are great decorations and some are not so great.

In fact my Mom and Dad used to have a reindeer's head that was a door hanging and it would make some kind of noise or something.  I thought it was a crazy thing to hang up, but they seemed to love it.  So out it would come every Christmas season.  There are probably things in my house that people think are strange or creepy.  Nah- Never mind.  Not at my house!

I celebrated tonight by going with some friends to walk around temple square and eat at the Roof.  It is one of my favorite places to dine.  I love all they have in thier buffet but the atmosphere is really the thing that adds to it all.  We had window seats and ate tons.  The chocolate covered stawberries were, of course, one of my favorites.  I used to go with my family and last year it was just Annie and myself because we were celebrating memorizing some big things.  I think it is so festive and fun.

I had crepes as my treat today.  Stuffed with a cream cheese, whipped cream, raspberry mixture they were wonderful.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The 32nd Day Christmas Celebration

I celebrated Christmas today with Music.  I had the wonderful chance to participate in my ward choir and we were singing for Sacrament meeting.  Our choir director had picked out some beautiful music and it was fun to sing there in the JSMB.  That place is so beautiful and the accustics are wonderful.  So we sounded better than what we really could manage on our own.  Then I went down and heard my neice Anna and my nephew Jake sing in their ward chior.  They had a director that writes music and the songs they had selected were beautiful as well.  I really think Christmas music always sounds better because I still think that there are angels rejoicing and singing over Christ's brith here on earth.  And I am certain that they join in when those kinds of songs are sung.  I love singing. 

I also filled my home with music.  Some of my favorite Christmas albums are Jon Schmit, Diamond Rio- the Star still shines, She Daisy - A Brand New year, Kenny G's holiday albumn, and there is one other I love, but I can't think of it right now.  Anyway- that music brings excitement, fun, peace and joy into my life at this time of year.  I hope you are enjoying the songs of the season as well.  I love that it seems to be played almost everywhere. 

I am making burbon chocolate bites today.  (no not with real burbon of course).  I can't wait to see how they turn out.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The 31st day Christmas Celebration

Today was my family Christmas party.  I totally missed Brett and Shay's family and Mariann and Daron's family as well as Elder Rasmussen.  I hope they know how much I love and miss them.  But I understand the living far from home part, so I hope they are partying it up where they live.

Everyone made something to contribute to the party.  There were little smokies, two kinds of soup, relish tray, seafood dip, cheese and crackers, spinach pinwheels (I made those out of puff pastry- it was my daily Christmas treat), caramels, candy cane coffee cake, brownies and cupcakes, and many other treats.  So much good food.  Mom asked people if they wanted to share a talent.  Nix sang Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam, Fred played the piano, Scarlett sang Away in a Manger, Jake played his guitar, Annie played the violin, BooBoo told us how she trained her dog to shake hands, and there were many others.  I love seeing my family and who they are growning into.  Of course there was also a white elephant.  It is always fun.  Way back a couple of years there was a fertility god (statue) that was given out at the white elephant.  It seems that it really worked too because whoever got it for Christmas either had a baby or got married the next year.  Then one year I got it.  I think I broke it cause nothing happened.  LOL

Later, after the party, my sister, my friend Janet, and I went out dancing.  It was an ok dance.  You got to just go and have fun though.  We laughed and overall had a good time.

Thought for the season. "The Spirit of Christmas illuminates the picture window of the soul, and we look out upon the world's busy life and become more interested in poeple and things.  To catch the real meaning of the spirit of Christmas, we need only to drop the last syllable and it becomes the Spirit of Christ."  (Pres. Thomas S. Monson, Ensign Dec. 1995,2)

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Thirtieth Christmas Celebration

For my celebration tonight I went to the Kurt Bester Concert.  It  was wonderfully festive and I so enjoyed just being able to walk there and be a part of that.  My friend Mike had tickets, which was so nice because the seats were second row.  There is so much talent that is shared at the holidays.  I am grateful for all who share their talents in a way that bring joy to others and I that is what I experienced tonight.  Kurt Bester even gave out sheet music to a new Christmas carol he had written. 

So at this Christmas time, may each of us be inspired to know of ways we can share our talents with those we love, with those around us who need a little joy.  May we not short change ourselves about what our talents are.  May we have the courage just to share them and improve on them.  I garuntee it will make someone else's day brighter.

If you haven't made chex party mix yet this season, I would highly recommend it.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Twenty Ninth Day Christmas Celebration

I was at my Niece, Lulu's house yesterday to tell her Happy Birthday.  While I was there she was showing me a little angel her older sister, Booboo had made that hangs in their window.  It was beautiful and had been created in a way that let light shine angelically through the picture into thier room.  I loved it.  I started noticing many angels around the city as I drove home.  There are many displayed at this time of the year, and rightfully so, because they were such a part of Christ's birth. 

I think I had overlooked many of the angels around town because they just became a part of the Christmas decor, or maybe because they were not on my mind.  Whatever the reason, I had not noticed them.  I know that angels are a big part of Heavenly Father's plan. 

"I am convinced that one of the profound themes of the Book of the role and prevelance and central participation of angels in the everlasting gospel story....May I suggest to you that one of the things which will become more important in our lives is the reality of angels; their work and their ministry. Obviously I speak here not alone of the angel Moroni, but also those more personal ministering angels who are with us and around us, empowered to help us, and do exactly that."  (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland)

Both of Jesus' earthly parents received angelic ministrations and the powere of the Holy Ghost--to attenpt to guide a family without such would be a nearly impossible task in today's world.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Twenty Eigth Day Christmas Celebration

"True happiness comes only by making others happy-- the practical application of the Savior's doctrine of losing one's life to gain it.  In short, the Christmas spirit is the Christ Spirit, that makes our hearts glow in brotherly love and friendship and prompts us to kind deeds of service.  It is the spirit of the gospel of Jesus Chrsit, obedience to which will bring 'peace on earth,' because it means--good will toward all men" (Pres. David O. McKay, Gospel Ideals, 1953, 551).   

I think that sometimes we misunderstand the meaning of quotes like this and we begin to think that we need to please everyone.  When that mentality comes upon us, we begin to fret and worry about trying to please everyone.  We begine to do things or plan things that in the end really just take away people's agency.  Trying to help someone be happy and trying to please everyone are two different things.  Heavenly Father does not try to please everyone.  He has provided a way for us to choose to be happy, but He doesn't try to please everyone, and the only person Jesus ever tried to please way His Father.  Let us not mix the two up. 

Let me pose an example.  Someone plans a Christmas party or program and is trying to please everyone.  But because all the people involved are so different, the person doing the planning ends up concerned more about what all the people will think and feel rather than what Heavenly Father would inspire that planner to do. 

Heavenly Father might inspire someone to plan an activity a certain way.  I can guarentee that His way is the best way, and the way that will lead to the greatest happiness.  However, not everyone will always choose to be happy with that way.  That is thier choice, but we shouldn't concern ourselves with that as much as "what would please my Heavenly Father".  We musn't get in the way of letting them choose that (to be unhappy), letting them use thier agency.  If they don't like what an inspired person has done and it didn't make them happy, we shouldn't shoulder that burden.  If we pleased our Heavenly Father, then we did the right thing. 

This Christmas season let us not worry about trying to please everyone.  Let us in inspired ways try to help people find the greatest happiness and we can do that by pleasing Heavenly Father.

The Releif Society is having a Christmas Party tonight at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.  I signed up to bring a dessert.  I am not sure which one I will bring, but I love that I can share some of the things that I have made.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Twenty Seventh Day Christmas Celebration

Well, my Christmas celebrations are half way done and I am not sure how I feel about that. 

I went to a Christmas orchestra performance tonight of my neice Annie.  I love when my neices and nephews invite me to go to things like that.  I have missed those opportunities for years now and so I quite enjoy it.  the music was festive and Annie did a good job. 

Then I did a little Christmas shopping and drove around looking at lights.  I made some pumpkin toffee bars.  They are really good if you like pumpkin.  I must admit not everything I have made this season has been as wonderful as I had hoped.  I made some cranberry orange muffins the other day and they are so good.  But the little lemon tasties that I made with lemon curd, a new thing for me BTW, were not as great.  Oh well.  At least that keeps me from eating them all. 

As I was looking the mirror the other day all of the sudden I noticed a little black hair growing out of the side of my face and I was shocked.  I thought, when did I get old enough, or Italian enough that I would have a little black hair growing out of the side of my face. (I served my mission in Italy so I would know about Italians a little bit)  Needless to say, I plucked the little thing right out of there, but here is the lesson that I learned.  I thought, how many things do I miss, do I not notice, when they are right there in front of my face!  I know that I could do better about what President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said in last general conference about slowing down and taking time to reflect and notice little things. 

Jesus Christ's birth was kind of a little thing in a way.  It was in a stable, He came quietly, birth happens all the time, Mary and Joseph were not people of significance, etc.  Many people missed noticing it at all.  Those that did notice it, took time to ponder on it.  Mary did.  I know I need to do better at this as well. 

We should all be a little bit more like Mary and keep somethings in our hearts and ponder them trustingly, for we too know more than we can tell.

And we, like the Christ child, need to spend a season in an Egypt (so to speak) of patient preparation and waiting, trusting in the Lord's wisdom and timing.  This isn't always easy, as I very well know.  But trusting in the Lord is never wasted

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Twenty Sixth Day Christmas Celebration

Tonight I went to the Hale Center Theater for the production of Dicken's Christmas Carol.  What a great story with such a wonderful moral.  It really makes me think about change and how it is possible for all of us to change.

I went home and had some tamales for dinner.  When I was young my parents had another tradition- they called it something like Christmas Around the World.  Each Monday night in Dec. for FHE, they would teach us how people celebrated Christmas in different parts of the world.  Holland, Mexico, Russian, Germany, etc.  We would eat something from that country or involve ourselves in some of thier Christmas customs.  It was fun.  When I lived in AZ, Phoenix had a TAMALE festival around this time of year.  I would go to it and sample all the wonderful kinds of Tamales that they served there.  I would also buy a number of them frozen so I could take them home and enjoy them through the holiday.  Hence, I had to have some tamales this year as well.  I bought some pork ones and some chicken ones.  I like the chicken ones better.  Tamales are not something I would try to make.  They are a bit tempermental if you ask me because the masa has to be just right.  But that is how I celebrated and it was a good celebration.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Twenty Fifth Day Christmas Celebration

I loved being able to make up some plates of cookies today and take them to people that live around me, and my visiting teachers and those that visit teach and home teach me.  I still have some plates left on my counter that I still need to give out.  I remember when I was little, my Mom used to bake all kind of goodies and our dinning room table would be full of all these things.  Then on Sun she would help us make up plates full of all the different varieties and take them to people in the ward.  That is what it reminded me of today.  I loved the little traditions we had as I grew up.  My parents were good at showing me how to serve and love.  They still give and give even today.  They always seem to be delivering something to somebody.  I love thier example.

Went to Music and the Spoken Word this morning.  I love this time of year with all the music that is around.  It touches my heart

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Christmas Program

Each speaker will have a suggestion* of something we each can do to grow closer to the Savior. There will also be a scripture and a hymn to sing.
* Invite all to join reading and singing.
Remember the Savior’s promise: (Matt 18:20).
“Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful,” Hymns, 1985, no. 202.
1. Many people are hungry—not just for food but for love, for acceptance, for support. Some are starving spiritually. Jesus knew how to feed every kind of hunger. In our small way we can do the same. (Matt. 14:15–19).
Jesus took what little the disciples had and multiplied it so as they gave to others there would be enough.  What little we might have, when companioned with the Savior, is enough.
* Feed someone spiritually. Write your testimony in a Book of Mormon and give it away.
* “3rd verse of #208 O little Town of Bethlehem.
2. Christmas shines with lights—on trees and houses and city streets. As we recall the bright star over Bethlehem, do we remember the Source of all light? (D&C 88:6–13).
* Look up at the heavens and think about who made the sun, moon, and stars. Record your feelings in your journal.
* Verse 2 of #213 The First Noel
3. Jesus was a healer. He touched away blindness and filled withered limbs with new life. He restored the mind and soul. Surrounded by much hurt and sorrow, we can, in our own way, be healers also. Sometimes a kind word and a helping hand are all that is needed.  (3 Ne. 17:5, 6, 9).
* Think of something you could do to help others to come to the Savior and be healed.  Go the temple and put their name on the prayer roll.  Fast and pray for them.  Visit those that are sick.
* “verse 2 of #209 Hark the Herald Angels Sing
4. The Savior knows the weight of our suffering and the depth of our pain. He has suffered for us, and he loves us without reservation. There is no problem so hard or despair so dark that he can’t help us if we let him. (Isa. 53:3–5) (Matt. 11:28)
* Go out of your way to befriend someone who needs a friend. Follow through in the days and weeks to come.
* Verse 2 of #212 Far Far Away on Judea’s Plains
5. We could labor every day of our lives and still not repay the kindness of our Lord. But he has shown us that there is a way to serve him.(Matt. 25:37–40)
* Visit someone who is sick or lonely.
* Verse 3 of #205 Once in Royal David’s City
6. The Master taught that it isn’t what you have that counts; it’s what you give. Giving of yourself can fill your world with joy, not only at Christmas, but all year long. (3 Ne. 13:19–20)
* You’ll treasure the time you spend helping others. Do volunteer work for some worthy cause.
* “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day,” Hymns, no. 214.
7. Christmas would hardly be Christmas without children. They are so much of the magic in the season. The Savior also loved children. In both the New World and the old, he called the little ones to him. (3 Ne. 17:12, 21, 24).
* Do something fun with a little child.
* Verse 3 of #206 Away in a manger
8. Jesus came to lift our burdens. One of the heaviest burdens we carry is that of hate. In teaching us to forgive, the Lord set us free. (Matt. 18:21–22)  (Matt. 6:14–15) (3 Ne. 12:44).
* Try to forgive someone who has wronged you. If appropriate, go to him today and be reconciled.
* Verse 3 of #204 Silent Night
9. As the holidays get busier and busier, we become involved in so many things—running errands, attending parties, buying presents, choosing wrapping paper and ribbons. It’s easy to become focused on material things. Instead, let’s remember where our lives ought to be centered. (John 6:35) (John 10–14) (John 11:25) (John 8:12).
* Go look at Christmas lights and think about where all light really comes from.
* “Joy to the World,” Hymns, no. 201.
We hope you’ve enjoyed these Christ Centered Christmas ideas. In  LDS edition of the Bible turn to the Topical Guide and look under “Jesus Christ.” You will find 18 1/2 pages of references! Christmas may come and go, but you can go right on reading about the Savior’s mission. In fact, what you received here tonight was only a small taste of the scriptural feast available.
The suggestion for this day and the rest of your life is to read and enjoy the word of God as found in the holy scriptures. Give yourself a gift that fills every day of your life with the real spirit of Christmas.    

The Twenty Fourth Day Christmas Celebration

My Ward Party was held tonight at our stake center.  I am on the activities committee and had the chance to work on putting this together.  So the committee met for lunch before we went up to the building to set up.  The set up went really fast because of all the people willing to serve.  We had different people from the ward bring nativity sets to put in the middle of the round tables.  Our theme was "A Christ Centered Christmas".  So that was a nice touch.  I know people have done that before.  But it was still fun.

We had a nice dinner ready.  All the nativity decor looked wonderful.  After dinner we had a little program.  It was all about suggestions of things we could do to be more Christ centered.  So there were nine people who I had asked to share a thought and scripture about Christ, and then a suggestion about things we could do to focus on Him.  Then we sang a Christmas hymn that went along with that scripture.  Most often it was a verse we don't sing as often.  There wasa part when it speaks of how Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without children.  Then the scripture talks about Christ with the children.  So we sang the last verse of Away In a Manger where it talks about "bless all the dear children in Thy tender care".  Then I also had CD play the piano while Fred and Scarlett sang I am a Child of God.  It was so touching.  Everyone in the ward seemed to be touched by it also.  I had put a power point together with pictures of Christ that went along with the scripture and then also had the words to the songs so that everyone could sing together.  It worked out really well.

I was so thankful for all the people who were willing to help with the program.  There were many who read and shared thier testimonies.  Then Cheri's families help.  I didn't know this at the time, but I had asked this one senior missionary to participate.  He said he would.  Afterwards, he told me that this was the first time he had ever read something in public.  He has dyslexia and doesn't like to read out loud.  But he did it for this and he did a wonderful job.  There was one part of the program that I hadn't found someone to read and by the set up time for the party it still wasn't filled.  I had it on my list of things to do this week but never got around to calling the person I was considering for the part.   The person I was going to ask, showed up to set up her nativity.  But I didn't feel like asking her for some reason.   There was also a young man, a new convert, who was helping us set up tables and chairs and such. I thought that maybe I should ask him.  So I did. He thought about it and I could tell he was scared to do it but kind of wanted to.  He finally decided he would.  He came back to the party later that night nicely dressed in his suit and read his part beautifully.  I know it was the first time he has done something like that and I felt grateful that the Lord  had guided me to those who really needed to be a part of this program. 

The Spirit of Christmas really filled our celebration and I loved it.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Twenty Third Day Christmas Celebration

We had a family Christmas party tonight.  I sure missed Brett and Shay and thier family as well as Mariann and Daron and thier family.  Jill and Daniel and thier family also were unable to make it because Jack is giving Jill a run for her money.  Anyway, we went walking around temple square to look at the lights.  It was really busy.  I love being on temple square right when the lights come on in the evening because it isn't as busy then.  But I can't remember the last time I was able to do that with so many of my family.  It wasn't even that cold. 

Then we went back to my social room and had food and fun.  I had made some chicken salad sandwiches, pulled pork, and crab wontons.  They were all good.  Plus there were all kinds of desserts.  We ate and talked.  Then we decorated some gingerbread houses.  Dad and Janet were the judges.  Everyone just teamed up with whoever they wanted to.  See the pictures.  There were many people quite proud of their houses.  I loved them. 

We also played a few games.  The couples had to wrap a gift together using only one of thier hands, while the other was around thier spouse.  Then they competed against another couple to see who could wrap it the fastest.  It was fun to see thier coordination and communication. 

The children built snowmen.  What I did was sprinkle cotton balls on the floor and had Zack and Jake sit on the couch.  The children had to pick up the snowballs (cottonballs) using only a wooden spoon and then put it on thier snowman.  They could only pick up three and then they had to trade off and give the spoon to another child on thier team.  Or they only had 30 sec and then they had to trade anyway.  The snowman who had the most snowballs on him at the end of the game was the winner.  Fun times. 

The best part for me anyway was when I was sitting and talking with the children around me.  (Most of them anyway).  I asked them who wanted to share their testimony.  Almost all of them did.  And what sweet little testimonies they were.  I was impressed with thier strong spirits and with what they knew and also with thier wonderful parents who teach them so well.  It really touched my heart to hear them share with me what they know to be true.  That made my night.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Twenty Second day Christmas Celebration

Do you ever feel like you have to search for the perfect gift for somebody.  There are time I feel like that.  Do you ever think about what the perfect gift would be for someone who has everything- literally- Jesus Christ has everything but is there something we can each give to Him?

"Is there a good habit or quality that is lacking in your life?  When you adopt it, and make it a part of your character, you are giving a gift to the Lord.  Is there something in your life that is impure or unworthy?  When you get rid of it, that is a gift to the Savior.  Remember, you don't have to do it alone.  Jesus Christ will help you make of yourself a worthy gift.  His grace will help make you clean, even holy.  Eventually, you will become like Him...." (Elder D. Tood Christofferson, Ensign, May 2004)

May we all find the perfet gift we can give the Savior and in turn, ourselves.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Twenty first Day Christmas Celebration

I am having another Christmas party this Friday night and I am so excited for it.  I love to bake as you probably can tell, and I am getting ready for all the good things we are going to be eating that night.  I have chocolate things, fruity things, breads, spicy thing, savory things (cause I can't have a party without cheese, I love cheese) and so much more.  I am very excited.  We are also going ot decorate Gingerbread houses.  I have a great frosting recipe for those. 3 egg whites, 1 lb powedered sugar, and 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar.  It dires hard and is great for this.  My hope is that after we decorate them, we can take some pitcures and then those that helped to decorate them can take them home or give them away to friends, teachers, or neighbors.  It should be fun and I will definitely post some of them on my blog.  

The mexican ice box cookies were really good, but had a bit of a kick to them because they have some chyenne pepper in them. 

The other day, I was in the JSMB on temple square and there was a bell choir performing.  They sounded so good right there in that hall.  There are such great accoustics in there.  I love Christmas music.  When I lived in AZ, there was a choir that my stake combined with the local Catholic Church and we performed on Temple Square at the lights.  We would practice for weeks before had and it always started my season off right.  I miss practicing and performing with them.  Some of my firends are still participating in that choir.  I wish them the best.  I also kind of wish I oculd be there.  I have joined my ward choir and I hope everyone can enjoy the sounds of Christmas, that I beleive  fill the soul with warmth and love.   

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Twentieth Day Christmas Celebration

That last riddle was Silver Bells. Here is another one.  “Query regarding identity of descent”.   I love words puzzles.  In fact I love all kinds of puzzles.  I need to find a good one to do this Christmas season. 
You know what else I love at Christmas time?  Those sappy Christmas shows that come on TV this time of year.  I think I am a verifiable Sap.  My mom and I have watched a number of them together.  I think they are sweet and sentimental cause everything seems to work out in those movies even though there is some sort of tragedy or trial.  I also love the shows aimed at little children, you know, Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer, Santa Clause is coming to Town, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, etc.  Life time channel, Hallmark Channel, and even the Family Channel have so many wonderful shows going on practically all the time.  But one thing has me wondering.   Why in the world are the Harry Potter movies considered Christmas shows?  Don’t get me wrong.  I love the Harry Potter Books.  I am such a fan, but what have they got to do with Christmas?  Halloween maybe, but Christmas, REALLY?
For the ward party this weekend we are trying to have a number of Nativities displayed.  There are so many unique ones.  My sisters and I have fond memories of my Mom’s nativity and having it always displayed at Christmas.  One year, my sister Janet, hid the baby Jesus and we couldn’t find it for some time.  It was eventually discovered in the Refridgerator.  I don’t know why. 
Anyway, speaking of nativities, we should also be like Joseph.  I think he gets overlooked at times.  But he chose to do what was right even when his community would have misunderstood.  He had to endure doubts and ridicule of others as he tried to raise his family according to the plan of God.  What man.  He was able to do all of this because he trusted in God and followed revelation he had received.  We should try t be more like him as we seek revelation and follow it, as we endure the doubts or ridicule of those around us simply because we are trying to protect and raise our families according to the plan of God.  Joseph has been on my mind today.  As well as my Daddy.  I think my daddy is like Joseph in many ways. 
I made oreo truffles to day.  They are so simple and really good.  Just take a soften block of cream cheese and a crushed up package of oreos.  (You would want to put the oreos through a food processor.)  Then blend them together with your beaters.  Chill for a hour.  Then mold into little balls and dip in melted chocolate.  So good.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Nineteenth Day Christmas Celebration

How about this riddle, “AG gong”?  Did you figure out the last one?  It was, “Let it Snow”.
Tonight I am making Mexican Chocolate Icebox Cookies.  They have Dulce de leche in them.  I am so looking forward to them. 
What about us being like the shepherds.  They made it known abroad all the things they saw and heard concerning Jesus.  With the age of technology and information that we have, shouldn’t we be doing this same thing but in many more ways.  We too should be willing to leave other good tasks to “make known” the glad tidings of the testimonies we have of Christ and His gospel and that His Church has been restored to the earth. 
We can also be like the wise men and notice the signs of His second coming in an unnoticing world and we should seek the Savior in all we do.  Shouldn’t we also, like the wise men, refuse to be used improperly by unrighteous earthly leaders?  But also, like the wise men, give our best willingly and without thought of recompense.   

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Eigtheenth Day Christmas Celebration

I started out my day at the practice of Music and the Spoken Word, and then went to Church with my Mom and Dad (something I love to do).  Elder Bednar was speaking to their stake.  What a privilege.  And wouldn’t you know it, because it was such a marvelous opportunity, My Daddy was the first one there at the Church building.  He is such an example to me.  Then I went to my ward for Sacrament meeting and for choir practice.  After that I had a meeting for the planning of the ward party.  When I finally got home at 2:30pm (having been gone since 8 am) I noticed something on my Apt. door.  There on my door was a ticket to go to the Conference Center for the First Presidency Christmas Devotional.  I was so excited.  I don’t know who blessed me with that wonderful gift but I loved it so much and my thanks and appreciation goes out to whoever it was!  Thank you.  Thank you.  My sister and her family were also going so I go to sit with them.  It is such a neat thing to sit at the feet of a prophet of God.  It was a beautiful, spiritual experience.  I invite everyone who didn’t get a chance to hear the messages of that night to check it out online at
The other day I was thinking about how Christ is represented by everything in the Nativity, but my thoughts didn’t stop there.  I remember learning once about how since everything in it represents Christ and how since we are trying to be like Christ, everything should also represent us.  Let’s start with the STAR.    We should be like that star- in our proper place and orbit, on time, putting our talents to work, doing what we have been asked to do.  God has placed us in our proper human orbits with the same precision He used as He placed that star in a certain trajectory ages before it shone brightly that night.  Like that star, we too must reflect the glory of God and not seek to shine for our own sake.  What other thoughts do you have about how we should be like the star?  I know this is true and that we are really placed to help point others to the Savior, Jesus Christ.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Seventeenth Day Christmas Celebration

The festival of trees was going on this week.  My niece Annie was going to be dancing in it with her dance class.  So I went to see the trees but mainly in support of her.  The trees there were unique and beautiful and for such a good cause.  My sister, Lori, suggested that we do one for next year.  I think that would be a great idea and a good way to give of what we have to help those who are going through some hard things.  There have been those in my family who have needed the help of good medical professionals so I am certainly thinking of this idea.  I don’t think I have a favorite tree there.  I do just enjoy the beauty of Christmas trees.  When my tree lights come on there is always just such a mood it sets.  Don’t you remember decorating the tree after having painstakingly picked it out or cut it down and then turning off all the lights except those on the tree and having a little cum-by-ah moment? 
I have had a few funny experiences with trees I have picked out for my home.  When I bought my first house, I decided that I really wanted to go and cut down a Christmas tree to put right there in my front window.  I signed up to get a pass and then on one rainy weekend I took my truck up in the mountains of AZ and searched for the perfect tree.  I had my saw and my long bed truck to haul it home and was oh so hopeful about finding the perfect tree.  After many hours, I thought I came upon it and I took my saw to it quickly because it was raining and therefore wanted to hurry.  Once I got it back to my truck and tried to load it into the bed, I thought, “Man, this tree is bigger than I thought”.  I mean it even hung off the long bed of my truck a good two feet and it filled the immensity of it. It didn’t stress me too much because I was proud of my tall 10 feet ceilings.  “It will fit”, I told myself. When I got it home, I don’t know why I was surprised to find that it was about 2 feet too long.  I cut that thing down and bit and then cut it some more, and cut it again.  I just laughed all the way through that ordeal and through the wrestling of that tree into my front room.  That monster of a tree took up the entire front half of my living room.  It was hilarious, but it smelled so good and I enjoyed every minute of that big living tree.
The next year, I didn’t have the chance to go up to the mountains to pick out a tree and wasn’t even sure if I would get one.  But as I drove by this one Christmas tree lot, I was compelled to stop and see this very beautiful tall tree.  I had to just go and see it and I thought maybe I would pick up a wreath or something fresh.  While there the sales man was kinda flirting with me, so I flirted back and wouldn’t you know I got a tree for $5.  It was about 3 feet tall and perfect for me.  (Since my last tree was big enough to last me a lifetime- lol) He brought it to my highlander (I had purchased a new vehicle by then) and wanted to just throw it in the back, but I told him no way.  I wanted the full service and so I wanted it strapped to the top of my highlander.  He gave me the funniest look but did it anyway.  His look was nothing compared to the funny looks I got from drivers on the road as they saw me pass with my little tree strapped to the top of my car.  I laughed all the way home.  I hope everyone enjoys their trees this year.
Thinking of that story makes me want to sit in front of my tree with a “tummy warmer” in hand and ponder about all the trees I have had through the years.  BTW – a “tummy warmer” if you didn’t know, is hot chocolate, with a scoop of your favorite ice cream in it.  Try it.  It is a great treat.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Sixteenth Day Christmas Celebration

So did you guess that the riddle yesterday was "HARK THE HERALD ANGELS SING".  Here is another one for you.  Frozen Precipitation Commence.  See if you can get that one!

My sister and her family have a tradition of going up to the creche festival in Midway each year.  She collects nativities and so this is something she enjoys doing.  Her son, Alex who is one a mission in San Jose, is actually helping with the one that they do out there and since he has been to a few with his mom, he should know just how to help.  I guess the people putting it on out in San Jose are realted to the ones in Midway.  Temple Square also has a number of them on display and they represent many nations around the world. 

It got me to thinking that have you ever noticed that everything in the Nativity represents Christ in some way.  He is the Star, that guides and gives light.  He is the shepherds, cause He is the Good Shepherd.  The Lambs, because He is the lamb of God.  He is the King of Kings, like the wise men.  He is the manger, the humblest of all.  He is Joseph, the Father of heaven and Earth.  He is the angel, who brings the best tidings of all.  He is also Mary, the Life giver.  And He of course is the baby Son, the Only Begotten of the Father.  He is EVERYTHING!

"[I] offer [my] testimony of the reality of His matchless life and the infinite virture of His great atoning sacrifice...God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son!" (From the First and Last sentences of the Living Christ.)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Fifteenth Day Christmas Celebration

"Listen, the Celestial Messengers emit harmonious sounds"
- Can anyone guess what Christmas song this is referring to?  Thats your challenge for today.  My treat for the day is a leftover turkey sandwich.  I make them differently than some.  You take your favorite bread and mix a little mayo, cranberry sauce, and mustard togther and spread it on the bread.  Then you put a couple of pieces of bacon on it, next put some slices of cold turducken, then layer on some cornbread stuffing and your favorite kind of cheese.  It is "tur"iffic.  It is a slight variation on those great leftover turkey sandwiches we love to make after the turkey dinner.  But adding the stuffing and the bacon and cheese just kicks it up a little.  Try it out.   

"Thoughts of Jesus...[should] be far more frequent and much more constant in all times and seasons of our lives.  How often do we think of the Savior?  How deeply and how gratefully and how adoringly do we reflect on his life?  How central to our lives do we know him to be?" (Howard W. Hunter, Ensign, May 93, p. 64)

I am so looking forward to the First Presidency's Christmas Devotional this Sun.  I hope everyone can take time to enjoy thier beautiful messages.  I know they are prophets of God.  It is a great thing that we can hear from them, from men who love Jesus Christ, who try to do His will, and who are trusted by Him to lead His Church here on earth.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Fourtheenth Day Christmas Celebration

It is the first of Dec. and so I decided to have celebrate by having my first Christmas party of the season.  So some of my students from WSU came down and we walked around temple square to see the lights and then we went back to my apartment's social room to sit by the fire and have some treats and games.  It was so fun.  We started out in the North Visitors Center.  They had a musical group performing.  In fact they seem to have musical things performing all around temple square at all times.  We listened for a few minutes.  Then I told a few of the girls that they should just get up there on the risers and start singing.  Just say the phrase from ELF about "the best way to spread Christmas cheer is by singing lound for all to hear", then they should just start singing We Wish You A Merry Christmas.  I even uped the anti and told them I would pay them $5.  They toyed with the idea and after I teased them for a minute or two they threw it back at me and told me to go and do it instead.  Well, I got them, I walked right up there and started singing.  Sang the whole song as they all took pictures of this crazy woman.  It was so funny and guess what, they coughed up $5 for me.  I loved it.  Too bad I don't have one of those pictures to post.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Thirteenth Day Christmas Celebration

Most people are a little sad or let down after Christmas Day is actually over.  For me it isn't just the actual day that makes the season great but all the little things you can enjoy as a prelude to that special day.  That's why these little daily Christmas celebrations are just right for me.  I love and enjoy all the little things that happen each and every day during the season.  Like tonight is the Rockefeller Christmas tree lighting.  I wish I was still back in NYC for that.  (My friend Lynette and I had planned to go back there this year, but then I moved and our plans never went through, but someday) I have never actually seen it lit in person but I still enjoy the music and the celebration that goes along with it.  As I sit and watch it tonight I am going to wrap gifts and write my Christmas cards.  Now I know that not everyone has time to do all these things, but there must be something about today that will bring the Christmas spirit into your home and into your heart.  Whatever that is enjoy it.  Relish it. 

One of my favorite Christmas time sayings is that "Wise men still seek Him."  I love to look for the Savior's hand in my life.  I need to do this better.  I know I miss much of what He really does for me.  This verse of a Christmas hymn reminds me to look for Him more.
"And our eyes at last shall see him, Through His own redeeming love; For that child so dear and gentle, Is our Lord in heav'n above.  And He leads his children on, to the place where He is gone." Once in Royal David's city.

The treat of the day is CRANBERRY MACADAMIA BARS (very good)
1 pouch of Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix
1/3 cup melted butter
1 egg
Mix together with a spoon and press into a 9x9 greased pan.  Cook in oven at 350 degrees for 15 minutes
1/3 cup butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup sweetened dried cranberries
Place these ingredients in a pan on the stove and stir over med heat until it comes to a boil.  Spoon it over the cookie crust base.
1 cup chopped macadamia nuts
Sprinkle the nuts over the cranberry mix.  Bake the bars another 10 minutes until golden brown.  Let it cool completely.
1/2 cup whilte chocolate baking chips
1 teaspoon oil
Combine these two ingredients in a freezer plastic bag and place in the microwave on high for 30 to 45 sec., squeexing the bag every 15 sec. until chips are melted and smooth.  Snip a small hole in the corner of the bag and drizzle this white chocolate mixture over the bars.  Then serve.