SLC temple at Christmas

SLC temple at Christmas
The Nativity and the Temple- what a great connection

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Twenty Second day Christmas Celebration

Do you ever feel like you have to search for the perfect gift for somebody.  There are time I feel like that.  Do you ever think about what the perfect gift would be for someone who has everything- literally- Jesus Christ has everything but is there something we can each give to Him?

"Is there a good habit or quality that is lacking in your life?  When you adopt it, and make it a part of your character, you are giving a gift to the Lord.  Is there something in your life that is impure or unworthy?  When you get rid of it, that is a gift to the Savior.  Remember, you don't have to do it alone.  Jesus Christ will help you make of yourself a worthy gift.  His grace will help make you clean, even holy.  Eventually, you will become like Him...." (Elder D. Tood Christofferson, Ensign, May 2004)

May we all find the perfet gift we can give the Savior and in turn, ourselves.

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