SLC temple at Christmas

SLC temple at Christmas
The Nativity and the Temple- what a great connection

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Twenty first Day Christmas Celebration

I am having another Christmas party this Friday night and I am so excited for it.  I love to bake as you probably can tell, and I am getting ready for all the good things we are going to be eating that night.  I have chocolate things, fruity things, breads, spicy thing, savory things (cause I can't have a party without cheese, I love cheese) and so much more.  I am very excited.  We are also going ot decorate Gingerbread houses.  I have a great frosting recipe for those. 3 egg whites, 1 lb powedered sugar, and 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar.  It dires hard and is great for this.  My hope is that after we decorate them, we can take some pitcures and then those that helped to decorate them can take them home or give them away to friends, teachers, or neighbors.  It should be fun and I will definitely post some of them on my blog.  

The mexican ice box cookies were really good, but had a bit of a kick to them because they have some chyenne pepper in them. 

The other day, I was in the JSMB on temple square and there was a bell choir performing.  They sounded so good right there in that hall.  There are such great accoustics in there.  I love Christmas music.  When I lived in AZ, there was a choir that my stake combined with the local Catholic Church and we performed on Temple Square at the lights.  We would practice for weeks before had and it always started my season off right.  I miss practicing and performing with them.  Some of my firends are still participating in that choir.  I wish them the best.  I also kind of wish I oculd be there.  I have joined my ward choir and I hope everyone can enjoy the sounds of Christmas, that I beleive  fill the soul with warmth and love.   


  1. Dude! When you come visit- I expect a new treat every day! LOL! So yummy!

  2. I'm so happy you're celebrating with treats, and that you shared with me! Cute blog!
