SLC temple at Christmas

SLC temple at Christmas
The Nativity and the Temple- what a great connection

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The 36th day Christmas Celebration

I spent the morning delivering goodies to friends and I hope they liked them.  I actually got up and ate one of those caramel brownies I baked the night before.  Merry Christmas to me.  What a way to wake up. 

I was invited to a Christmas party and there was lots to eat and good freinds.  I love the cheese that people celebrate with at the holidays.  A good cheese ball is always called for.  My sister Mariann and my Brother Brett and I love a good smoked sausage and cheese box that you can get at places like Hickory Farms.  They are so festive and fun.  Last year when I was still in AZ, I received one of those types of gifts from my brother and his family and it lasted me all through to New Years Day.  So the party was very fun and I enjoyed it.  It was just to short and people are always a little more rushed about this time so it didn't last long and was not the easy going time I had hoped.

My sister Cheri and her family were going to see the movie "Tangled" and they invited me along.  It was a good movie.  I would recommend it to others who haven't seen it yet.  Being with my family is one of my favorite things to do. EVER!

I also went to dinner with my Mom and Daddy.  They are such good people.  We just ate and talked and saw some people from their ward.  I think it is important to value and take advantage of the time we have with our loved ones.  

My treat for today was this Christmas pudding.  It has cinnamon and spices in it.  I need to learn that I need to just cut the recipes in half.  Because I make these great recipes and then proceed to taste them.  When they are really good and also large in quantity I then proceed to eat mroe than I should.  What a dilemma.  Just cut the reipes in half Shauna.  Come on and learn already. 

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