Each speaker will have a suggestion* of something we each can do to grow closer to the Savior. There will also be a scripture and a hymn to sing.
* Invite all to join reading and singing.
“Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful,” Hymns, 1985, no. 202.
1. Many people are hungry—not just for food but for love, for acceptance, for support. Some are starving spiritually. Jesus knew how to feed every kind of hunger. In our small way we can do the same. (Matt. 14:15–19).
Jesus took what little the disciples had and multiplied it so as they gave to others there would be enough. What little we might have, when companioned with the Savior, is enough.
* Feed someone spiritually. Write your testimony in a Book of Mormon and give it away.
* “3rd verse of #208 O little Town of Bethlehem.
2. Christmas shines with lights—on trees and houses and city streets. As we recall the bright star over Bethlehem, do we remember the Source of all light? (D&C 88:6–13).
* Look up at the heavens and think about who made the sun, moon, and stars. Record your feelings in your journal.
* Verse 2 of #213 The First Noel
3. Jesus was a healer. He touched away blindness and filled withered limbs with new life. He restored the mind and soul. Surrounded by much hurt and sorrow, we can, in our own way, be healers also. Sometimes a kind word and a helping hand are all that is needed. (3 Ne. 17:5, 6, 9).
* Think of something you could do to help others to come to the Savior and be healed. Go the temple and put their name on the prayer roll. Fast and pray for them. Visit those that are sick.
* “verse 2 of #209 Hark the Herald Angels Sing
4. The Savior knows the weight of our suffering and the depth of our pain. He has suffered for us, and he loves us without reservation. There is no problem so hard or despair so dark that he can’t help us if we let him. (Isa. 53:3–5) (Matt. 11:28)
* Go out of your way to befriend someone who needs a friend. Follow through in the days and weeks to come.
* Verse 2 of #212 Far Far Away on Judea’s Plains
5. We could labor every day of our lives and still not repay the kindness of our Lord. But he has shown us that there is a way to serve him.(Matt. 25:37–40)
* Visit someone who is sick or lonely.
* Verse 3 of #205 Once in Royal David’s City
6. The Master taught that it isn’t what you have that counts; it’s what you give. Giving of yourself can fill your world with joy, not only at Christmas, but all year long. (3 Ne. 13:19–20)
* You’ll treasure the time you spend helping others. Do volunteer work for some worthy cause.
* “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day,” Hymns, no. 214.
7. Christmas would hardly be Christmas without children. They are so much of the magic in the season. The Savior also loved children. In both the New World and the old, he called the little ones to him. (3 Ne. 17:12, 21, 24).
* Do something fun with a little child.
* Verse 3 of #206 Away in a manger
8. Jesus came to lift our burdens. One of the heaviest burdens we carry is that of hate. In teaching us to forgive, the Lord set us free. (Matt. 18:21–22) (Matt. 6:14–15) (3 Ne. 12:44).
* Try to forgive someone who has wronged you. If appropriate, go to him today and be reconciled.
* Verse 3 of #204 Silent Night
9. As the holidays get busier and busier, we become involved in so many things—running errands, attending parties, buying presents, choosing wrapping paper and ribbons. It’s easy to become focused on material things. Instead, let’s remember where our lives ought to be centered. (John 6:35) (John 10–14) (John 11:25) (John 8:12).
* Go look at Christmas lights and think about where all light really comes from.
* “Joy to the World,” Hymns, no. 201.
We hope you’ve enjoyed these Christ Centered Christmas ideas. In LDS edition of the Bible turn to the Topical Guide and look under “Jesus Christ.” You will find 18 1/2 pages of references! Christmas may come and go, but you can go right on reading about the Savior’s mission. In fact, what you received here tonight was only a small taste of the scriptural feast available.
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