Music and the Spoken Word was a great way to start the new year. They sang of new beginnings. I have been fasting for some special help and during the time I was waiting for the Choir to start singing I started reading a conference talk. It was from Bishop Edgley. He talked about choosing FAITH. It was a perfect talk for me to read and really tied in with all I had been pondering during my fast. I think we all need to have our faith fortified. Thats what this talk did for me. I love how the Lord speaks to us through His chosen servants.
Then fast and testimony meeting was wonderful. There is such power in hearing others testimonies and in vocalizing them ourselves. I know that is one reason I love my job. I get a regular chance to share mine, but I think more importantly are the opportunities that come up in daily living that I know I need to take more advantage of.
Today was a day of rest for me. I got to have a little nap and then have a nice little holiday treat after my fast was over. I like easy going days like this when you actually have time to slow down, and ponder.
Celebrating Christmas in small ways every day is sure to help bring a greater Spirit of peace into this season of the year. This time of year, the focus on the Savior Jesus Christ, the gratitute and compassion found in peoples hearts, and the traditions that bring warmth and love into life are what really needs to be celebrated and enjoyed. This season is often hectic and some can become less than merry, even to the point of "Bah, Humbug". Hopefully this does not happen to you.
SLC temple at Christmas

The Nativity and the Temple- what a great connection
Christmas isn't cancelled, it's just time to take it online. These Online holiday party games are specially designed to help your remote team boost their potential by creating a festive environment that increases your employees energy level and boosts productivity.