SLC temple at Christmas

SLC temple at Christmas
The Nativity and the Temple- what a great connection

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The 45th Day Christmas Celebration

An new year is  upon us.  The dance last night was a dud.  The only thing that made it fun was being with people that I love.  Janet and Janet are such good company and we all looked so cute.  But luck at finding nice men at these things was not in our favor.  I danced with this one nice looking man, but then when he foudn out I had never been married he went and found another shorter, more petite version to dance with the rest of the night.  I try not to take those things personally but the timing of it all is hard to ignore. 

One good thing was that it was a snowly wonderland and so I drove home on snow packed roads and looked at lights and got some good things to eat, cause there were still lots of places open.  Then I headed to bed around 3 am. 

It was a lazy day.  I baked a pumpkin pie and some carmel filled brownie bites.  Those didn't turn out at all and I ended up throwing them all away.  I lazed around watching some movies and just took it easy.  I have a cold so that was a good idea.  I also went and visited my Sister Lori and her family.  They put out a food spread that is AWESOME and so I went down and partook of that too.  We just watched some football and talked.  It was a nice time just to relax.  I am looking forward to Sun. tomorrow.  I have things I want to fast about and testimony meeting always lifts me. I hope it does you to.

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